These days I've gone back to some journal covers I had started a while ago, and left unfinished... I pasted all the inner sides, and now I have boards for making several journals.
I chose some beautiful papers to make them... I love Florentine papers but couldn't resist even to modern and very colourful patterns... I had gone to buy a couple of sheets, and came back with a selection of different papers! Different in size and texture...Florentine paper comes in relatively small and quite expensive sheets..But it's beautifully printed and has gold in it, so I suppose the printing process is more difficult and justify the cost... In any case I find it well worth the price. Some the other papers are very smooth and easy to work with, others has a sort of thin-lined texture that makes it more complicate to work with as they tend to form bubbles when glue is applied... In any case the result seems good with all of them, now that glue is dry!
Today I've been rather busy and I could only punch holes in the covers, but I hope to be able to stitch at least some of the journals...I've got all the paper ready, and actually those stacks of Fabriano paper are becoming a part of my room forniture...