A horse on my loom!

Today I prepared the warp for my next work...
And I decided to try a yarn that I had bought last year, made mostly of horsehair! It's very stiff and coarse, and my first thought was of making a table runner with it...But maybe the idea of a table runner made of horsehair would be rather disgunsting to some people? In any case, I decided that a wall hanging will be the best use for it.
So for the moment I put the warp on my tapestry loom (feeling guilty for not having worked at it for a long time) and tomorrow I'll warp my floor loom  and start weaving something...


Unknown said…
che meraviglia! ho frequentato un corso con telaio da tavolo. ora a casa ne ho due, no con pedali, non trovo il tempo di provare ad armarli, sicuramente non sarĂ² in grado da sola.brava! un abbraccio
Elena said…
Alessandra, provaci! Non e' difficile come sembra, e puoi farlo benissimo da sola! Io ho imparato da internet e dai libri...Puoi farcela anche tu
Great blogg you have