New book on embroidery

I received from the publisher a brand-new book on embroidery, just printed (date inside is August 2010!).
It's "Il piacere del ricamo", by Silvana Fontanelli and it's mainly on Punto Perugino. Explanations are very easy to follow, both because it's a rather easy technique and because photos of each step make it clear how to proceed...It's a book very suitable also to beginners and stitchers who have only done cross-stitch, as it's a counted thread technique and the look isn't so much different from cross-stitch...Those who have never tried any other surface embroidery technique might find it an excellent starting point to do something different from cross-stitch, yet uncomplicated and easy to do.
The beautiful drawn thread work that appears on the cover is explained in the second half of the book, and allegedly is a variant of some existing stitch ...The effect is very decorative and in my opinion would be very beautiful inserted in some Hardanger work too.
The book is available in usual bookshops that store embroidery books (and of course in my shop  too).
