Il Ricamo, 10 March 1907 added!

Today I managed to add photos of a new (that is old, very old) issue of "Il Ricamo" magazine... It's issue No 10, dating 10 March 1907. Unfortunately the issue was in almost desperate conditions and 4 pages were missing; well, actually only two of them would be interesting for embroiderers as the last two pages are of advertisement (that is funny and interestingin itself somethims, anyway it's not a great loss). Luckily the big sheet of additional patterns was there, as well as a nice page of cross-stitch monogram.
This issue can now be downloaded from this page of Italian Needlecrafts.


Monica said…
Ciao Elena. I just wanted to say hello!! Hope your mum is not too bad..I usually have a look at your interesting blog. I think that you are doing a great job with all those ancient patterns. It's our embroidery history!! I like the "M" letter ha, ha...but I also like corners and all the rest.. Sorry for my English...
Ciao e buona serata
See you soon
Elena said…
Grazie Monica, il commento puoi anche lasciarlo in italiano se vuoi! :-) Sei molto gentile, il lavoro sulle riviste in questo periodo va un po' a rilento ma spero di recuperare. Mia mamma ha 80 e una serie di problemi; devo imparare a rioganizzarmi!
Monica said…
Posso chiederti come mai scrivi in inglese? Sei Italo-Americana?
Ciao, scusa se sono indiscreta

See you
Elena said…
Ciao Monica, io sono italiana, ma scrivo in inglese perche' la maggior parte delle persone che mi leggono non sono italiane... Sono iscritta a tante liste e gruppi in gran parte stranieri, quindi e' la scelta piu' pratica!