Remembrance rose

The weather has been awful for weeks here in Milano (and in Italy in general); it's always grey and cloudy and I keep postponing the work I'm doing of ancient magazines digitizing, from day to day, as there is never enough light to take photos...
But  few days ago one of my roses produced a last bloom, right on Remebrance Day...And I don't know whether it's just a strange coincidence, but the rose is a Harkness Remembrance ! Maybe it's been selected to bloom until very late in the year, I don't know.
I took a photo of it, as I guess this will be my last rose for 2010!
True that my balcony offers conditions that are far from ideal for roses (just few hours of light and a lot of shade), but I have two Harkness roses and they both seem to live well with those poor conditions. On the contrary, I have two other  roses by David Austin, and they positively seem to frown at me... It's obvious that if they could talk, they would say "We shouldn't be here!" (in a very offended tone) . Oh, well...
Speaking of living in the wrong place, this is Minu, the cat who lives under my bed!
Children often believe that under their beds there are monsters, or nightmares, hiding.... Well, under my bed there lives a cat.

Minu was about six months old when my daughter chose her at a cat shelter, one year ago... She had been kept for some months in a small cage in the dark, and in spite of all our cares she hasn't yet got used to a normal life (and probably  never will). She spends practically all the day under my bed (where I took this photo; my undr-bed space was already very crowded ! ;-)) or if she can't go there, she stays under my children's wardrobe, which is an even narrower place.
My impression is that she's afraid of daylight and looks for dark spaces; she only comes out of her hiding place  in the evening and during the night...And she's  scared by people and other animals (even the small zebra finches we keep in another room); only my daughter and I  have managed to gain a bit of confidence from her; my son remains a scary presence for her...
I'm sorry for her, but I must say it's an advantage she isn't an intrusive cat, or it would be a big problems with my weavings and embroideries... And I guess she is happy too, although it's difficult to say (she's a cat, after all :-))


We have a problem with David Austin roses also (here in Ontario) guesse they just want to be in England.
Elena said…
Probably so! It's a pity because they are really beautiful roses, with gorgeous colours and blooms...
But if they are not in their ideal habitat and treated constantly, they soon become a disaster!
On the contrary, my two Harknesses need practically no cares, I don't remember having made any treatment to them and they don't get diseases or parasites very easily (and they are just besides the David Austin, so the light and water conditions are the same)!