...But for a few more days I don't think it will be possible!
These days it's very hot in Milano (up to 40° C), and I can't even think of ironing (either ancient magazines or laundry...)
My ceiling fans help a bit (I have no air conditioning), but they would be a danger for the large pages of the ancient magazine! They are very delicate along the folds, and even a light breeze like the one from the ceiling fan is enough to tear them. They must be handled with _a lot_ of care! It's incredible how frail some paper becomes after a century... Of course this depends on the low-quality paper used: it was the same kind used for newspapers; not the good paper I can find in some of my books that are older than that and still look almost brand-new.
So, for the moment I can just share an image from an old issue (which I already published on Italian Needlecrafts) , showing a funny 1906 advertisement of a product meant to "preserve and develop hair, moustache, beard, eyelashes and eyebrows" :-)
These days it's very hot in Milano (up to 40° C), and I can't even think of ironing (either ancient magazines or laundry...)
My ceiling fans help a bit (I have no air conditioning), but they would be a danger for the large pages of the ancient magazine! They are very delicate along the folds, and even a light breeze like the one from the ceiling fan is enough to tear them. They must be handled with _a lot_ of care! It's incredible how frail some paper becomes after a century... Of course this depends on the low-quality paper used: it was the same kind used for newspapers; not the good paper I can find in some of my books that are older than that and still look almost brand-new.
So, for the moment I can just share an image from an old issue (which I already published on Italian Needlecrafts) , showing a funny 1906 advertisement of a product meant to "preserve and develop hair, moustache, beard, eyelashes and eyebrows" :-)
La scansione de "Il Ricamo" ricomincera' presto....
Ma non penso che sara' possibile per qualche altro giorno!
In questi giorni fa molto caldo a Milano (fino a 40 gradi) e non riesco nemmeno a pensare di stirare (riviste antiche o biancheria...)
Le mie ventole a soffitto aiutano un po' (non ho condizionatori), ma sarebbero un pericolo per le grandi pagine del giornale! Le pagine sono delicatissime lungo le pieghe e anche una leggera brezza come quella delle ventole e' sufficiente a strapparle (bisogna maneggiarle con _molta_ cura! E' incredibile come diventi fragile certa carta dopo cento anni...Naturalmente questo dipende dalla scarsa qualita' della carta usata, che era la stessa dei quotidiani, non la bella carta che trovo in alcuni dei miei libri piu' antichi di queste riviste, che sembra ancora quasi nuova.
Cosi', per il momento posso solo condividere un'immagine da un vecchio numero (che ho gia' pubblicato su Italian Needlecrafts ) , che mostra una buffa pubblicita' del 1906 di un prodotto "per la conservazione e lo sviluppo dei capelli, baffi, barba, ciglia e sopracciglia" :-)
Mi unisco a te sull'onda del fa troppo caldo e non si riesce a far nulla.. ho tanti progetti che mi attendono per essere realizzati!
Un bacione!