I mentioned this book in my previous post... It's an out-of-print book, it was published in 1971, and I found a used copy on Abebooks for just few cents... it's stamped "Ohio State University Libraries" and it's quite used: the jacket is gone and the hardback cover quite worn, but still a very useful book!
I'm very interested in the use of colour in textiles and there are not many books about it.. Books meant for painters are literally dozens, but those directed to people who use colour in weaving, or quilting or embroidery, can probably be counted on the fingers of one hand...
Surely there are lots more painters than weavers, so it's understandable that we receive less attention! One could also think that colour "works" the same way on any media so any book will go, but that's not true...
If you mix two colours in paint of watercolour, you get a new colour... But if you weave two colours together you won't have the same effect! You can't "mix" colours when you use two different threads or yarns in a weaving or embroidery, even if they seem to mix at some distance, when looked closely they will still show the initial, distinct colours. So it's very useful to have some text that gives some notions of how to use colours in textiles, even an old one like this!
The following is the Table of Contents:
1 A synopsis of Color Theory
2 Equipment and materials
3 Color and Design
1 White and Off-White
2 Black and White
3 Neutral or Earthy
4 Monochrome
5 Analogous
6 Complementary
7 Split complementary
8 Primary or Triad
9 Multichrome
10 Exploratory
The book has 160 pages, so there is plenty of space both for text and illustrations... Being an old book, it has fewer colour illustrations than such a kind of book would have now... Sometimes when the image is more about pattern than colour, the photos are in black and white
Il libro ha 160 pagine, quindi c'e' spazio in abbondanza sia per il testo che per le illustrazioni...Essendo un libro un po' vecchio ha meno illustrazioni a colori di quante ne avrebbe oggi un libro del genere.. A volte quando l'immagine riguarda piu' i motivi che il colore, le foto sono in bianco e nero
But there are also lots of colour images when the topic needs it!
Ma ci sono anche molte figure a colori quando l'argomento lo richiede!
I like the fact that examples range from very ancient textiles from Mesopotamia and Egypt, to modern experimental works, and come from any corner of the world! It gives a sense of continuity, in spite of the changing patterns that follow the fashion of the time (and place) they belong to...
The first chapters are especially interesting as they deal with something typical of textiles, that is texture! One could weave lots of different fabrics all white (or any colour), but looking very different from each other due to their different texture, depending on the techniques used and choices made... That's why special chapters are dedicated to White and Off-White, and to Monochrome.
With many colours invoved, things become more complicated and less clear to a quick reading, so I'll have to study those chapters carefully. I hope this book will help me choose colours for my weavings (which I always find a difficult part)!
Ho citato questo libro nel mio post precedente..E' un libro fuori catalogo, pubblicato nel 1971, e ne ho trovato una copia usata su Abebooks per pochi centesimi.. E' timbrata "Ohio State University Libraries" ed e' parecchio usato: la sovraccoperta manca e la rilegatura e' molto consumata, ma e' ancora un libro molto utile!
I'm very interested in the use of colour in textiles and there are not many books about it.. Books meant for painters are literally dozens, but those directed to people who use colour in weaving, or quilting or embroidery, can probably be counted on the fingers of one hand...
Surely there are lots more painters than weavers, so it's understandable that we receive less attention! One could also think that colour "works" the same way on any media so any book will go, but that's not true...
If you mix two colours in paint of watercolour, you get a new colour... But if you weave two colours together you won't have the same effect! You can't "mix" colours when you use two different threads or yarns in a weaving or embroidery, even if they seem to mix at some distance, when looked closely they will still show the initial, distinct colours. So it's very useful to have some text that gives some notions of how to use colours in textiles, even an old one like this!
The following is the Table of Contents:
L'uso del colore in campo tessile mi interessa molto, e non ci sono molti libri su quest'argomento...Ci sono dozzine di libri destinati a chi dipinge, ma quelli dedicati a chi usa il colore nella tessitura, o nel quilting o nel ricamo, si possono probabilmente contare sulle dita di una mano---
Sicuramente ci sono piu' pittori che tessitori, quindi e' comprensibile che riceviamo meno attenzione! Si potrebbe anche pensare che il colore "funzioni" nello stesso modo in ogni tecnica, e che quindi un libro qualunque vada bene, ma non e' vero...
Nella pittura o nell'acquarello, mescolandi due colori se ne ottiene uno nuovo...Ma tessendo due colori insieme non si otterra' lo stesso effetto! Non si possono "mescolare" veramente i colori quando si usano i filati nella tessitura o nel ricamo; anche se da una certa distanza sembrano mischiarsi, guardando da vicino si vedranno i colori iniziali, ben distinti. Cosi' e' utile avere un libro che dia qualche nozione di come usare i colori in campo tessile, anche uno un po' vecchio come questo!
Riporto qui l'indice:PART I
1 A synopsis of Color Theory
2 Equipment and materials
3 Color and Design
1 White and Off-White
2 Black and White
3 Neutral or Earthy
4 Monochrome
5 Analogous
6 Complementary
7 Split complementary
8 Primary or Triad
9 Multichrome
10 Exploratory
The book has 160 pages, so there is plenty of space both for text and illustrations... Being an old book, it has fewer colour illustrations than such a kind of book would have now... Sometimes when the image is more about pattern than colour, the photos are in black and white
Il libro ha 160 pagine, quindi c'e' spazio in abbondanza sia per il testo che per le illustrazioni...Essendo un libro un po' vecchio ha meno illustrazioni a colori di quante ne avrebbe oggi un libro del genere.. A volte quando l'immagine riguarda piu' i motivi che il colore, le foto sono in bianco e nero
But there are also lots of colour images when the topic needs it!
Ma ci sono anche molte figure a colori quando l'argomento lo richiede!
I like the fact that examples range from very ancient textiles from Mesopotamia and Egypt, to modern experimental works, and come from any corner of the world! It gives a sense of continuity, in spite of the changing patterns that follow the fashion of the time (and place) they belong to...
The first chapters are especially interesting as they deal with something typical of textiles, that is texture! One could weave lots of different fabrics all white (or any colour), but looking very different from each other due to their different texture, depending on the techniques used and choices made... That's why special chapters are dedicated to White and Off-White, and to Monochrome.
With many colours invoved, things become more complicated and less clear to a quick reading, so I'll have to study those chapters carefully. I hope this book will help me choose colours for my weavings (which I always find a difficult part)!
Mi piace il fatto che gli esempi varino da tessuti dell'antica Mesopotamia o Egitto, fino a lavori sperimentali moderni, e che provengano da ogni parte del mondo! Da' un senso di continuita', al di la' dei motivi che cambiano seguendo le mode del tempo (e del luogo geografico) a cui appartengono...
I primi capitoli in particolare sono interessanti , perche' hanno a che fare con qualcosa tipico dell'ambito tessile, e cioe' la tessitura (texture). Si possono tessere moltissimi tessuti diversi tutti in bianco (o in qualsiasi colore), ma aventi un aspetto molto differente a seconda delle tecniche usate e delle scelte adottate...Ecco perche' alcuni capitoli sono dedicati espressamente al Bianco e al monocroatico.
Con piu' colori le cose si complicano e sono meno chiare ad una lettura veloce... Dovro' studiarmi attentamente quei capitoli. Spero che questo libro mi aiuti nella scelta dei colori per le mie tessiture (che trovo essere sempre una fase difficile)!