I'm back after a long time.
At first it was just a normal delay..I was busy and couldn't post when I wished to.
Then...It became a sort of experiment! As I saw I had more readers when I didn't post than when I posted (I even earned two more followers -very welcome! :-) - which didn't happen in the previous month when I posted more or less regularly...) and I wanted to see how long that would go on... internet dynamics are sometimes weird! Maybe the more I write the less readers I get? That would be funny...
Anyway today I declare the test ended and started writing again! :-)
At the moment I'm weaving an "unusual" shawl again at the moment, something improvised which I don't know exactly how will look when finished...
At first it was just a normal delay..I was busy and couldn't post when I wished to.
Then...It became a sort of experiment! As I saw I had more readers when I didn't post than when I posted (I even earned two more followers -very welcome! :-) - which didn't happen in the previous month when I posted more or less regularly...) and I wanted to see how long that would go on... internet dynamics are sometimes weird! Maybe the more I write the less readers I get? That would be funny...
Anyway today I declare the test ended and started writing again! :-)
At the moment I'm weaving an "unusual" shawl again at the moment, something improvised which I don't know exactly how will look when finished...
Sono tornata, dopo molto tempo...
All'inizio e' stato solo un normale ritardo...Avevo da fare e non ho potuto scrivere quando avrei voluto.
Poi...E' diventato una specie di esperimento! Perche' ho visto che avevo piu' lettori quando non scrivevo di quando postavo (ho anche guadagnato due "follower" - molto benvenuti! :-)) - cosa che non era accaduta nel mese precedente, in cui avevo scritto abbastanza regolarmente..) e volevo vedere quanto sarebbe andata avanti cosi'...Le dinamiche di interet a volte sono strane! Forse piu' scrivo, meno persone mi leggono? Sarebbe buffo...
Comunque oggi ho dichiarato finito il test e ho ricominciato a scrivere! :-)
Al momento sto tessendo di nuovo uno "strano" scialle , una cosa improvvisata che non so bene come sara' da vedere una volta finita...
I used several different yarns, included one with a reflective tread which I used to make braided fringes a bit everywhere...
Ho usato diversi filati, compreso uno con un filo di lame' che ho usato per fare delle frange intrecciate in po' ovunque...
If I won't like is as a shawl, it will end up as a blanket for my cat, she will appreciate the fringes! :-)
In any case I have decided to stop weaving scarves and shawls for a while, as they have no market and I have more than enough for my "personal use" for many years...People prefer cheap scarves bought at markets, and even giving my scarves as gifts would be interpreted as "you gave me something made by yourself so that you didn't have to spend any money" (as for some reasons work is considered of no value, and bought gifts have a higher "status" than self-made ones...), so I prefer not to use them as gifts either...I'll switch to something different, things for the home or that I can use in different ways!
Se non mi piacera' come scialle, finira' come coperta per la mia gatta, apprezzera' le frange! :-)
In ogni caso ho deciso di smettere di tessere scialli e sciarpe per un po', perche' non hanno mercato e ne ho piu' che a sufficienza per il mio "uso personale" per molti anni... La gente preferisce le sciarpe economiche comprate almercato, e anche dare le mie sciarpe in regalo sarebbe interpretato come "Mi regali qualcosa fatto da te cosi' non hai dovuto spendere soldi" (perche' per qualche ragione il lavoro e' considerato di nessun valore, e i regali comprati hanno uno "status" migliore di quelli fatti in proprio...), cosi' preferisco non usarle neanche come regali...Passero' a qualcosa di diverso, cose per la casa o che posso utilizzare in modo diverso!