A challenge from the past

Followers of this blog know that I'm digitizing some ancient embroidery magazines...In one of the last issues of "Il Ricamo" I took photos of, there was a beautiful floreal cross-stitch pattern with poppies.
The pattern is fine, the composition is very good and it isn't even perfectly symmetrical (a cheap modern way to save work ;-) made even easier by computers), here all the parts have been designed carefully... But the key is missing.
According to the pattern description in the issue, the key should be right under the image but it isn't there...Nor in any parte of the magazine. Somebody just forgot it! We can imagine that at the time some readers complained about it and the key was included in one of the later issues, but unfortunately I don't have them and I can't check.
Is this pattern useless therefore? I don't think so! There are not so many shades of colours in it...Back in 1905 there were not the intricate cross-stitch patterns with many dozens of colours (and maybe quarter stitches and blended needles) we find today. I think that an acceptable choice of threads could be made by any experienced stitcher.
Does anybody want to give a try and stitch it?
The pattern in full size is here ; I can also try to get better pictures if this isn't good enough (but I think it is).
I will do my try, but it would be nice to see what other people do!
And of course even if the flowers are poppies, nobody is obliged to stitch them red or very "poppy-colours-like"...Why not to try somethings completely different for example?
If you decide to try this, please send me a link to your blog or a photo of your work!
