Bought on Etsy: Angel decoration by Gufobardo

Gufobardo is the name of Stefania Morgante's shop on Etsy , she makes very original and colourful drawings with unusual characters, and I love her style! I bought this laminated angel decoration from her.. My intention was to keep it as a Christmas decoration, but it was so lovely that I decided to hang it near my pc, where I can look at it and shake it a little to the little jingle bell sound... The jingle bell itself is very peculiar, as it's original from Tibet, and looks very different from the light, cheap ones that can be found usually here or on the internet. This is heavier and makes a lovely sound...and it's said to bring joy and peace! At least for the moment, I can assure it works :-)


Monica said…
Ciao e grazie del tuo commento. Il tuo blog è una sorpresa per me. Ho dato un'occhiatina, penso che d'ora in poi mi soffermerò regolarmente.
Kosmika said…
Bellisssimo!!! talmnte bello.. che ne ho uno anche io! :D
Elena said…
Davvero?! Ma allora siamo fortunate entrambe!