This one is No. 38, dating 22 September 1907 ... More than a hundred years ago! And I must say this issue shows all its age... Pages were practically into pieces, ironing and positioning them for photos was quite difficult.
Unfortunately the big Patterns Sheet was missing in this issue, but there are some interesting pages and patterns all the same, and some drawings showing fashion of the time... And a cover for a piano, which looks like a rather unusual item nowadays.
Now this issue too is on the page dedicated to Il Ricamo magazine on my site, Italian Needlecrafts , where it's available for free download.
Unfortunately the big Patterns Sheet was missing in this issue, but there are some interesting pages and patterns all the same, and some drawings showing fashion of the time... And a cover for a piano, which looks like a rather unusual item nowadays.
Now this issue too is on the page dedicated to Il Ricamo magazine on my site, Italian Needlecrafts , where it's available for free download.